Monday, April 13, 2009

The Dog (puppy for now) is Here

Everyone Meet Charley!

Isn't she adorable? Right now she is playing "chew everything in my crate", a game she came up with the other day. She weighed in at 11 pounds on Easter Sunday, and she is a handful! She is a clumsy package of elbows yet somehow manages to pounce after her tennis ball. Let me bullet this out for you (and yes, please be jealous)
At seven weeks, Charley:
~Prefers her crate when she is tired (victory!)
~Can go up AND down stairs
~Understands potty time (another victory!)
~Is extremely quiet
~Still needs a midnight potty run
~Loves to hang out and be part of the family
~Likes meeting new dogs
~Still needs to be on leash
~LOVES her retriever dummy (see video below)
~Is actually learning not to nip, just give a few licks
~Likes to sleep on her back
~Points at Pomeranians, squirrels and of course birds (Robins are her favorite)
~Is very submissive at bath time
~Is an absolute joy to play with
~Loves to cuddle with Sarah

Playing in the Park
(She is getting used to her leash)

Thursday, April 9, 2009

Our new addition

Charley is here!

We brought our new puppy Charley home yesterday evening. She is 7 weeks old today and so much fun! She did wonderfully during the car ride home although she was a little nervous. But she quickly got used to us and was busy checking out her new home all evening. I went to go hang out with the home group ladies so Jonathan got to acclimate her to her new surroundings. He gave her a bath and took her to the park. All the activity wore her out and she took a few power naps throughout the evening.

Today Jonathan is at home with her working on housebreaking and teaching her what she can & cannot play with. I'm sure he'll have lots of fun stories and more pictures to share of his experiences with Charley!

Here's a picture of her during one of her naps on her first night home with us!