Sunday, October 26, 2008

wild mustangs

We started this past week with a jelly making event-quite the "empty the freezer of grape juice" project.


I drove to H-town for a m-school interview, while Sarah was aprendiendo that espanol.

During that interview-I decided to hang out on the helipad at Memorial Hermann. I was "that guy" with the camera.

I kerbey laned it with Patrick, a slow breakfast with great coffee and pancakes thicker than steaks. Highpoint of the week. Can't decide if the gingerbread pancakes had anything to do with that.

Okay-I wish I had a picture of this. I bought 4 whole beef tenderloins with the chain. Genetically certified, pasture-raised, grain-finished, premium gold, 30 month old black angus steer. So I'm a food nerd, and that's what I get excited about. For the other food nerds out there-I think this was choice-moderate, I've never understood why tenderloin needed to be prime. Remember the "empty the freezer" party on Sunday?

Birthday party...cupcakes, bounce house, an appearance by cookie monster. Typical things you would find at a birthday party.

More jelly! The grape is called a mustang grape, and they grow wild in Texas. Tomorrow we have to do another one of those monday things.

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