Friday, August 7, 2009

White Coat Ceremony

Jonathan is now a medical student at The University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio (UTHSCSA-which they pronounce as a word despite the lack of enough vowels). To start his medical career he was inducted into medical school with a ceremony in which he was robed with a white coat. It's not as big of a deal as graduation will be, but it's still important. It felt especially important to us since we've been on a three year journey to get to that ceremony.

The ceremony itself was long and filled with speakers and welcomers to the school. It didn't really seem that well planned to me as there was not enough room in the auditorium for everyone. We arrived 45 minutes early and had to sit in the overflow area outside the auditorium. Needless to say, I was not a happy camper, especially since when I went to see how many seats there were and over half of them were being saved for people that had not yet arrived. So I was a bit sad to have to watch this moment we'd been waiting for on a projection screen and Jonathan didn't get to see me while his white coat was being put on. That also means that I didn't get any pictures of that moment either. It was a real bummer. They should have given a limited number of tickets or something.

Anyway, we made it through all the speeches, advice and 220 medical students being called in groups of 5 to receive their coats. And now we have this:

Jonathan's Parents:



And in-laws:

Came to see him off on the great adventure that will be his medical career. He's going to be a doctor!

The move & the beach

Our actual move date was July 4th. We got lots of weird looks when we told people that, as if we had forgotten that this is a national holiday. We always just responded with "We can get the most help that day!" And we did have some fabulous helpers: our homegroup helped up pack the truck and clean the Dallas apartment that Friday. They were amazing and we got it done in record time. Then early Saturday morning the Williams & the Stillers met us and caravaned with us down to San Antonio. It was so good to have friends make the trip with us. They were amazing help getting all our stuff in the new place and out of boxes, but they were also an amazing emotional support as we venture out on this new journey.

So once we were down here, we had a few weeks off before Jonathan started class. We had grand plans of making day trips, I think like everyday. But we soon realized that we were tired and Charley was tired of being in the car. So we settled for a couple of weekend trips to visit our parents and one awesome trip to the beach. We drove down to Padre Island one day for some relaxation in the sun. It was quiet; there were not a ton of people there. Charley had fun hunting all the birds and playing in the surf. It was a very peaceful day. Here are a few pics from Guevara Family Beach Day 2009:

Tuesday, August 4, 2009

We've Moved!

Ok, so yes, I know I'm way, way behind on blogging all the major events that have been happening at the Guevara household, but I'll catch up. Don't worry.
Well, I finished the school year out at good ol' Cesar Chavez Learning Center and had a few weeks off to get ready to relocate our small family to San Antonio. In those few weeks I did the normal moving activities: finding a place to live, changing utiliites, and of course......packing. I did non of these activities alone though. I had a....helper.....

Yes, Charley. She is now much, much bigger (notice her big girl collar). We were not the best of friends during much of these weeks off. She listens to Jonathan much better. However, after much effort and patience on my part (none on hers), we finally got along and she let me get some stuff done.

It was always amazing to me that as soon as Jonathan walked in the door that she'd turn into this perfect, angel-dog that I hadn't seen all day.

We've gotten to do some fun things since we've moved to San Antonio and hopefully in the next few days I can post those things.